Residents of St. Leonard’s Estate Hornchurch were shocked and dismayed to hear that a further application for more mounds in Harrow Lodge Park has been applied for by Havering Council. Homeowners in Wallis Close have suffered flooding to their back gardens since mud and spoil from the new sports centre build has been piled up at the back of their houses. A recent application was passed by the planning department to lower the height of the mounds and grass them over.
Now another application is being sought for another mound next to the existing one and will affect homeowners in Creasey, Henderson and Pett Close on St. Leonard’s Estate. There are also plans to include further mounds at the back of the temporary car park site next to the River Ravensbourne.
One Resident commented, “It’s like the Council are giving themselves permission to fly-tip in the Park and then cover it up as landscaping”.
Another commented, “This new application would leave a gully between the two mounds, we could end up with a new stream at the back of our houses, the soil is so clay-based.”
On reading the new planning application statement it would appear that there were no provisions in place in the first planning application to dispose and remove the spoil from the new build. The new application states that there was more material than originally anticipated.
You can view the planning application P0245.21 here, and if you would like to comment or object to the application you have until the 22nd March.
I cant believe there will be more mounds behind the leisure centre. The current mound has flooded the gardens in Wallis Close and taken away their privacy.